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I have been able to return to work and back to full duties much quicker than I would have going via the NHS. For me, it is value for money and a necessity.
I once had a cyst on my ovary and was told if it wasn’t operated on within days then it could burst and be life threatening. Being a member of the Bluline Health Care Scheme meant I didn’t have to worry, everything was taken care of straight away.
I joined Bluline when I joined the Police in 2008 and have remained a member ever since. I have found everything easy, and it is nice to pick up the phone and have someone to speak to. The team always manage my expectations really well.
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If you do have any questions call
01905 796682
MON - FRI: 9:30AM - 3:30PM (excluding public holidays)
to speak to one of our friendly administrators or submit your enquiry and we’ll get back to you.
Throughout my whole service, Bluline has given me peace of mind if I ever needed any treatment. It enabled me to deal quickly with medical issues and get back doing the job I loved.
Copyright Bluline Gloucestershire Limited 2025